Professor Lorna Unwin OBE (1953-2024)
It is with great sadness that JVET remembers Lorna Unwin, who was editor of this journal from 2011 to 2014.
In what follows, we will follow the fairly standard path of such memorials, recounting Lorna’s career in brief before turning to the more important consideration of what she meant as a person. I will write something at that point as someone she mentored in a brief but intense period before giving the floor to those who knew Lorna far better than me both as a person and an academic.
Lorna was an eminent academic figure in the study of vocational education and training. Importantly, this was enriched by a grounding in the realities of the field in her native England. Before joining academia, she was a teacher of English and General Studies at Barnsley College of Technology; a tutor for the Sainsbury supermarket chain on the British government’s Youth Training Scheme and a trainer of other workplace supervisors; and a tutor for the Workers Educational Association. During her later academic career, she continued a strong engagement with policy and practice communities. The list is exhaustive (and perhaps
exhausting for those with less energy than Lorna) but includes serving as an expert panel member for the UK Commission for Education and Skills; advisor to the Commission on Adult Vocational Education and Training; chair of the Commission of Inquiry into Group Training Associations; a member of the Skills Commission All-Party Parliamentary Group; and a council member at Oldham College. She also wrote an important textbook for college lecturers - Teaching and Learning in Further Education. It was entirely appropriate, therefore, that she should be given the national award of an OBE in 2014.
Transferring to higher education in 1987, she held posts at the Open University, Sheffield and Leicester before moving to the Institute of Education, University of London in 2006 to the Chair of Vocational Education, serving also from 2008 to 2012 as Deputy Director of the ESRC-funded Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economics and Societies.
Lorna was an expert on English vocational education and training, with a strong interest both in the historical development of the college sector but also in learning in workplaces, including studies of apprenticeship and other modes of developing occupational expertise. Throughout this, she always maintained and insisted upon the need to see vocational learning and participation as sites of broader human development.
My interactions with others who knew Lorna better than me all speak to her academic rigour, her passion for an often-neglected field, but above all else to her personal warmth and generosity.
Professor Simon McGrath, JVET editor-in-chief
Remembering Lorna Unwin
Writing as one of the few editors of JVET not to have a strong grounding in the English college system out of which the journal initially sprung, I want to acknowledge Lorna as my first key guide to this tradition. In my very first months as Research Director for VET/Skills in the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa I was immensely lucky to have Lorna join my team as a visiting professor. Together we went on to collaborate on two books on the South African system, but I learnt immeasurably from her about the English system, about the wider field of VET research but above all else about how to be an expert who wore their expertise in a very human and approachable way that allowed others to learn safely.
I first met Lorna at the (for those who attended) much lamented Employment Department funded VETNET Forum in the mid 1990s – a forum for members of the VET community (research, policy and practitioner backgrounds) to meet to discuss issues that cut-across all the above foci. Lorna and I swiftly found common ground through our respective belief “work was integral to VET” - our colloquial phrase for our separate and joint conceptual and empirical explorations of the theory-practice relationship. Common ground that always enabled us to see differences of emphasis as the basis of mutual learning, rather than obstacles to be overcome. Post our editorship of the Wiley Handbook for VET, we were on the cusp of pursuing a new theory-practice venture with colleagues from Italy and France when Lorna tragically passed. It goes without saying that it’s far too painful to continue.
My collaboration and friendship with Lorna stretched over nearly 40 years. As an early career researcher, I was hugely impressed from the outset by Lorna’s knowledge, understanding, wisdom and commitment to vocational education and training, and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her. Lorna’s great enthusiasm and genuine respect for the field were infectious. She really cared about individuals, whether they were novices or more experienced workers, and how they could be supported to develop their occupational expertise. It was a huge privilege to collaborate with Lorna and have the opportunity to witness her outstanding ability to mentor more junior colleagues, advise peers and engage with policymakers and practitioners. She was an amazing, generous person to work with, always positive, open to ideas and new ways of conceptualising and explaining empirical findings. She wrote beautifully, using her deep understanding to explore complex issues in an accessible style and always fiercely determined that her outputs should never forget to address the ‘so what’ question: identifying the implications of her research were never secondary concerns. Lorna’s sustained achievements as an exemplary researcher and tremendous academic leader are remarkable. Her positive impact on the field of VET and workplace learning have left an indelible and enduring legacy across the worlds of research, policy and practice. From a personal perspective, Lorna has left me with so many treasured memories. It is hard to accept that she is no longer with us.
I met Lorna in the early 1990s through the VET Forum hosted at Warwick University. I was immediately struck by her knowledge, expertise and, above all, enthusiasm for the FE college sector: a rare thing and a beacon of light for someone who had travelled a similar career path to Lorna - from further education, company training, outreach education and higher education. The enthusiasm was infectious, and we began a collaboration and friendship cemented in the publication of Teaching and Learning in Further Education (1997) and subsequent editions. Lorna was the best possible person to work with, never afraid to challenge, to dig deep into “what lies beneath” and most importantly to consider the impact on teachers and learners of the changing policy environment. She gave unstintingly of her time and care to ensure that all had a voice, for those whose voices were forgotten, or considered less important. This is illustrated by her work as a college governor, and in her contribution to our understanding of the developmental opportunities of workplace learning. The joy of working with Lorna was exemplified in what would prematurely become our last collaboration: Curriculum in FE Colleges over Time: illustrations of change and continuity (Edge Foundation). Crawling on hands and knees in the attic of Westminster College we trawled through an archival treasure chest: old timetables, contracts of employment for renowned chefs, schemes of work from the early 20th century. It was not just a serious piece of work, it was fun. It always was working with her. I shall miss her personal support and friendship – that I can no longer lift the phone, on hearing the latest policy pronouncement for the FE sector and ask: “what do you think?”.
JVET Conference 2025
16th International Conference
Thu 24 - Sat 26 July 2025, Oxford, UK
The JVET Conference 2025 will explores Vocational Education and Training through the lens of the themes of journeys and destinations. The call for abstracts (now closed) invited submissions that explore developments in VET as it strives to meet the challenges of economic austerity, climate change, political instability and increasingly rapid technological change. We look forward to exploring the journeys of VET systems addressing these challenges as they traverse the occupational boundaries between formal and informal, accredited and unaccredited vocational learning, between regulated and unregulated training, and between ‘vocational’ and ‘professional’ education. The conference will also explore the role of VET in reinforcing or combatting social closure through inclusive practice, and spatial closure through facilitating mobility.
Call for papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET)
VET in the era of digital transformation: New forms of work and their implications for vocational learning
Guest editors: Jim Hordern, Monika Nerland and Kevin Orr
This Special Issue aims to critically examine the workplace as a site of learning in the context of digital transformation in order to discuss and reflect on how vocational education and training is challenged and should respond to changes in expertise required in the workplace. To this end, the issue will:
review the potential implications of digital transformation for work and vocational expertise;
present in-depth studies of work and learning in occupational settings affected by digital transformation, and
describe and conceptualise characteristics of work practices and learning that can be recontextualised within VET systems and practices.
Relevant topics include but are not limited to the implications of digital transformation for:
Forms and shifts in vocational expertise
Roles, responsibilities, and trust in the reconfiguration of work practices
Workers’ agency and participation in learning at work
Ways of facilitating and/or recognising learning in the workplace
Implications for VET pedagogy and curriculum