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April 2024

JVET Paper of the Year 2023

JVET Editorial Management Committee (EMC) is delighted to announce the winners of its annual Paper of the Year prize awards.

JVET EMC awarded the first place for papers published in 2023 to Understanding aspirations: why do secondary TVET students aim so high in Chile? authored by Alice Aldinucci, Oscar Valiente, Scott Hurrell and Adrián Zancajo.

Comments from the EMC on the winning paper included:

  • I think it is a beautifully theorised paper

  • Engages with a wide range of theoretical ideas - a well-crafted paper

  • This study examines what informs individuals' aspirations associated with VET, within the context of a very unequal society. The analysis of individual and social influences is carefully conceptualised and the findings around "the interplay between agential and structural factors at the roots of differential aspiration development" are balanced and carefully explained. This article reveals a lot about Chile, the role of VET for society and individual, and what shapes aspirations.

  • I liked the theoretical framing and the way in which the paper seeks to take our thinking forward theoretically with regard to understanding aspirations.

Second place was awarded to The (un)making of Dutch ‘care girls’: An ethnographic study on aspirations, internship experiences and labour market perspectivesby authors Talitha Stem and Elif Keskiner. 

Comments from EMC members included:

  • It's a very interesting and carefully written study that foregrounds some central concerns about the role that VET plays in society, in relation to the specific expertise of VET programmes juxtaposed with people's actual work, in the under-researched area of social reproduction work.

  • This paper revisits a well-established literature and offers a fresh take on it by exploration of a different context.

  • A relatively rare example of an ethnographic study based on extensive field work in VET, important topic and insights, well grounded in previous research

April 2023

Paper of the Year 2022

Expertise as a ‘capacity for action’: reframing vocational knowledge from the perspective of work by David Guile and Lorna Unwin published in the Journal of Vocational Education and Training Vol. 74 (1) and Teaching art and design in a digital age: challenges facing Ugandan teacher educators by Wycliff Edwin Tusiime, Monica Johannesen and Greta Björk Gudmundsdottir published in Vol. 74 (4) have been awarded joint 1st place for the JVET 2022 Paper of the Year award.  

Comments on Expertise as a ‘capacity for action’: reframing vocational knowledge from the perspective of work from members of the JVET Editorial Management Committee included:

  • “A conceptually strong paper, it contributes to aligning theoretical perspective on expertise with changing working conditions.

  • “A significant contribution to the discussion on professional expertise.”

  • “A strong theoretical contribution to VET field, with potential for application to different VET contexts.”

  • “A substantive paper by two major names that reframes a major concern that they have worked on in the light of recent technological changes to offer a new way of seeing.

Comments on Teaching art and design in a digital age: challenges facing Ugandan teacher educators from members of the JVET Editorial Management Committee included:

  • “This paper addresses an area of key concern for the future of VET in developing countries and offers considered strategies in the face of challenges. I think JVET should be focusing and highlighting, where possible, on the enhancement of VET in such situations.”

  • “Well designed research informed by theory.”

  • “A carefully prepared paper offering rich insights into this topic.”

The Paper of the Year prizes are awarded annually by JVET’s Editorial Management Committee. 

09 April 2022

JVET’s Editorial Management Committee (EMC) has announced two joint winners of the JVET Paper of the Year award 2021.

The annual award recognises the standout papers of the previous year and this time, the winners share the prize this year as equal first place. The EMC extends its warmest congratulations to the authors. You can view the winning papers on the links below and both are Free to Access.

The legacy imprint of apprenticeship trajectories under conditions of segregation and Apartheid in South Africa

Jeanne Gamble

The EMC was struck by this paper’s depth of analysis linking patterns of VET to their material and socio-political foundations. They admired its strong theoretical perspective combined with meticulous historical tracing, providing a fascinating and illuminating account of the development of South African apprenticeship policy under apartheid and apartheid's enduring legacy. It is also, however, a revealing analysis of the complexity of what is entailed in ubiquitous but often unexamined terms like employer demand and employability.

Getting there from here: a literature review on vocational education and training reform implementation

Katherine Marie Caves, Severin Baumann & Ursula Renold

 The EMC found this paper to be an ambitious, broadly-scoped, rigorous and concise paper. The literature review addresses the importance of examining how change and reform might be manifest in theory and practice. The EMC found it to be a well written and accessible account which is a source for VET educators and researchers now and, no doubt, will continue to be for some time in the future.

28 September 2021
JVET editors prepare for team transition

L-R top row: Leesa, Stephanie, Kevin L-R bottom row: Simon, Jim, Ann-Marie

L-R top row: Leesa, Stephanie, Kevin
L-R bottom row: Simon, Jim, Ann-Marie

The handover process for the upcoming change in editorship is underway. The first of many international calls took place 28.09.2021 to smooth the process, share thoughts, ideas and innovations. Professor Leesa Wheelahan, Professor Kevin Orr and Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker are preparing the way for Professor Simon McGrath, Dr Jim Hordern and Professor Stephanie Matseleng Allais to take up their new editor roles from 1 January 2021. A huge debt of gratitude goes to Leesa, Ann-Marie and Kevin for all that they have brought to the team, the Journal and Conferences in the field of vocational education and training. Leesa, Ann-Marie and Kevin will remain on the Editorial Management Committee and as such, very much remain guiding forces for positive moves forward. A warm welcome to their new roles goes to Simon, Jim and Stephanie! Meet the new Editors here.

25 June 2021

JVET celebrates award of its top two papers of the year

JVET’s Editorial Management Committee (EMC) have announced their selection of the top 2 papers published in the Journal in 2020.

First place in the annual award programme is awarded to Dr Don Zoellner, Charles Darwin University, for his paper: Institutional logics: reconceptualising ‘public providers’ in post-open market technical and vocational education and training.

The EMC cited the paper for its timeliness, its ability to bring back an interesting approach to the VET research agenda and for providing evidence that conceptual papers are still relevant in VET-research to aid future thinking in the field.

The panel felt that it was an excellent paper in addressing the effect of post neo-liberalism and revisiting social democracy and that it helps to extend theorising about the nature of markets in VET, the relationship between public and private VET and links with government policy and transition systems.

The judges also appreciated the fact that it is a well-theorised paper on a major national reform programme with international implications and that its perceptive use of the concept of institutional logic would enable readers to better understand important political and cultural changes in VET.

The paper nominated to receive the 2nd place award is by Nora Kolkin Sarastuen, Oslo Metropolitan University: From vocational worker to vocational teacher: a study of identity transition and loss.

The EMC nominated the paper for award for its discussion on a highly important topic in VET, its well-developed research, and interesting insights on teacher recruitment and training in Norway,

The panel felt that the paper offers a novel contribution in its focus on identity transitions highlighting, through findings and analysis from a rigorous empirical study, the significance of the concept of 'detachment' for identity formation.

The paper was well-constructed and theorised and concludes by signalling the implications for the education of vocational teachers. Whilst the empirical project was located in Norway, the conceptualisation and findings are felt to have broader and generic relevance.

Both papers are free to access until 31 December 2021.

01 March 2021

We are delighted to welcome aboard three new members of the Editorial Management Committee and two new colleagues as members of JVET’s editorial board. Professor Stephanie Allais, Professor Susan James Relly and Dr. Holly Henderson join the EMC with immediate effect. Professor Charlotte Chadderton and Dr Oscar Valiente join as members of JVET’s editorial board. Leesa Wheelahan, Editor, commented: “We are delighted to welcome the latest members to the EMC and our wider Editorial Board and are hugely confident that their experience and networks will contribute much to our development plans.”