JVET Editorial Board
Simon McGrath - University of Glasgow, UK*
Associate Editors:
Stephanie Allais - University of Witwatersrand, South Africa*
Jim Hordern - University of Bath, UK*
Book Reviews Editor:
James Avis - University of Huddersfield, UK*
Editorial Board:
Silvia Annen - University of Bamberg, Germany
Liz Atkins - University of Derby, UK
Anne-Marie Bathmaker- University of Birmingham, UK*
Michaela Brockmann - University of Southampton, UK
Katherine Marie Caves - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Charlotte Chadderton - University of Derby
Selena Chan - Ara Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Helen Colley - University of Huddersfield, UK
David Curtis - Flinders University, Australia
Thomas Deissinger - University of Konstanz, Germany
Jaswinder Dhillon - University of Worcester, UK*
Lesley Doyle - University of Glasgow, UK*
Bill Esmond - University of Derby, UK
Karen Evans - UCL Institute of Education, UK
Alison Fuller - UCL Institute of Education, UK
Shelley Gillis - University of Melbourne, Australia
Philipp Gonon - University of Zurich, Switzerland
David Guile - UCL Institute of Education, UK
Paul Hager - University of Technology, Australia
Ann Harris - University of Huddersfield, UK
Steven Hodge - Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Prue Huddleston - University of Warwick, UK
Susan James Relly - University of Oxford, UK
Martin Johnson - Cambridge University Press and Assessment
Christian Helms Jørgensen - University of Roskilde, Denmark
Junmin Li - Technical University Dortmund, Germany*
Tom Karmel - University of Adelaide, Australia
Ewart Keep - University of Oxford, UK
Andrea Laczik, The Edge Foundation, UK
Kate Lavender - University of Huddersfield, UK
Mary Leahy - University of Melbourne, Australia
Simon McGrath - University of Nottingham, UK*
Jörg Markowitsch - 3s Research & Consulting, Austria
Gavin Moodie - University of Toronto, Canada
Richard W. Moore - California State University, USA
Monika Nerland - University of Oslo*
Jeroen Onstenk - InHolland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Kevin Orr - University of Huddersfield, UK*
Joy Papier - University of the Western Cape
John Pardy - Monash University, Australia
Matthias Pilz - University of Cologne, Germany
John Preston - University of Essex, UK
Peter Sanderson - University of Huddersfield, UK
Volker Schoer - University of the Witswatersrand
Alison Taylor - University of Alberta, Canada
Rachel Terry - University of Huddersfield, UK
Ly Tran - Deakin University, Australia
Oscar Valiente - University of Glasgow, UK
Anna Vignoles - University of Cambridge, UK
Geng Wang - University of Glasgow, UK*
Volker Wedekind - University of Nottingham, UK
Leesa Wheelahn - University of Toronto, Canada*
* denotes member of JVET Editorial Management Committee
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training is made up of active researchers from all over the world, who are publishing in every area of technical, vocational and professional learning. The Board includes early career researchers and those who are well established, but generally members will have published at least one article in the journal. Members are usually university-based academics; we also welcome members who are attached to other organisations such as governmental agencies or professional bodies. Membership of the Board is normally for a period of five years, though this may be extended.
The main purpose of the Editorial Board is to ensure that the journal maintains its relevance in the international field of research related to vocational education and training by advising the editor and by reviewing submitted articles. We are committed to providing contributors with critically constructive reviews and we ask Editorial Board members to be prepared to review up to four articles a year.
Members of the Editorial Management Committee (EMC), which leads and organises the journal, are nominated from within the Editorial Board. The EMC has responsibility for both the strategic development of the journal and its day-to-day administration. It is chaired by the editor and it meets in England three times a year. Members from overseas are expected to attend at least the spring meeting in person but may attend the others meetings on-line as convenient.
Interested in applying to join JVET editorial board? Contact us